《华联简讯》 CAI News Letter

一九九五年 第二期No. 2     December 31, 1995


冰岛华人联谊会主办   Edited by Association of Chinese in Iceland


★  冰岛华人联谊会全体会员大会召开  ★
The first meeting of the Association of Chinese in Iceland held

伦均先生应邀出席了大会,应邀出席大会的客人还有冰中文协负责人 Emil Boasson;
冰岛外国人文化信息交流中心代表ⅢMs. Iskra S. Lillendahl;冰中贸易促进会副会
长 Steingrimur Thorbjarnarson (斯冰)等。大会由贾长文主持,王华胜首先代表
第一任会长。会上向伦均先生,Emil Boasson 先生,Steingrimur Thorbjarnarson 
(斯冰)先生,Iskra S. Lillendahl 女士,Arthur Love 先生,黄建民先生,李天


Chinese Association of Chinese in Iceland (CAI) held a first meeting on 
December 26, 1995, at Shanghai Restaurant. 34 people of the 41 registered 
members attended this meeting. The Guests, First Secretaries, Mrs. Shi 
Qinger and Mr. Xiang Lunjun from Embassy of P. R. China and Tade 
Representative's Office, attended our meeting to show their congratulations.. 

Mr. Johann K. Jia presided over the meeting.  Mr Huasheng Wang simply 
explained the idea of founding a Chinese Association and its preparatory 
stages. The Constitutions of CAI has been accept by all members after Mrs. 
Chao Wang explained it to members. The congress elected a first council of 
the CAI and the first chairman.
In addition, Mr. Emil Boasson(from Icelandic-Chinese Culture Association of 
Iceland), Steingrimur Thorbjarnarson(from Iceland-China trade Association), 
Ms. Iskra S. Lillendahl(from Nybua), Mr. Arthur Love, Mr. Jianmin Huynh, Mr. Daniel T. Lee, Mr, Luchun Tong gave speechs of congratulation.

Finally, the new chairman, Mr Huasheng Wang gave a short talks, he said that he is very grateful to all members for your trust, and he will try his best 
to cooperate with everybody of the council of Chinese Association of Iceland.

Mr. Gilbert Khoo is given the honoraty chairman by Council of the CAI.      


☆冰岛华人联谊会第一届理事会成员名单 (Members list of Council)∶

黄伟成(Wencheng Huang)    贾长文(Johann K. Jia)    邱约伯(Gilbert Khoo)   
童路春(Luchun Tong)       王  超(Chao Wang)        王华胜(Huasheng Wang      许  雯(Wen Xu)            杨保华(Baohua Yang)

☆冰岛华人联谊会会长 (Chairman)∶

王华胜 (Huasheng Wang)

☆冰岛华人联谊会名誉会长 (Honorary Chairman)∶

邱约伯 (Gilbert Khoo)


本期编辑÷ 王华胜       校对÷杨保华
  (Editor: Huasheng Wang       Profreader: Baohua Yang)
